I teach a variety of workshops all over the World!
My name is Will "Story" Rivera
& I Teach Love
& I Teach Love
I cannot express truly how grateful I am to be able to instruct these courses for you all. My promise to you is that these workshops and gatherings are unlike anything you have ever experienced before and I am unlike any teacher or soul you have ever met. I am truly humbled to be in service to you.
I do great things - with great love, to be in service to another being is my ultimate souls achievement - I wake up everyday and cannot thank God enough for the people within this life, the roof over my head, the food I am blessed to be able to eat, the friendships, the honor of being a parent and the daughter I am blessed to raise, the family I was born into, the crazy pets I care for, the woman I adore, the best friends who pushed me forward, every breath I take is a miracle to me, this world in itself is wonderous, I am so grateful to have come this far and become who I am at this very moment, every relationship, every experience, every pain was just a teacher educating me, expanding my consciousness, completely pushing me to change the life I lived and my perception, I am at such a level of peace within I would never for one moment take any of it for granted, just being able to see beauty and love in all things, my health, I truly feel like I am favored and the best part is, all these riches I keep within me so they can never be lost or taken, I value the very essence of life itself - honesty, loyalty, compassion, unconditional Love, Joy, selflessness, understanding, respect, patience - for these things have been cultivated within my spirit and do not reside outside of my being - my heart knows this is just the beginning of an amazing journey.
I do great things - with great love, to be in service to another being is my ultimate souls achievement - I wake up everyday and cannot thank God enough for the people within this life, the roof over my head, the food I am blessed to be able to eat, the friendships, the honor of being a parent and the daughter I am blessed to raise, the family I was born into, the crazy pets I care for, the woman I adore, the best friends who pushed me forward, every breath I take is a miracle to me, this world in itself is wonderous, I am so grateful to have come this far and become who I am at this very moment, every relationship, every experience, every pain was just a teacher educating me, expanding my consciousness, completely pushing me to change the life I lived and my perception, I am at such a level of peace within I would never for one moment take any of it for granted, just being able to see beauty and love in all things, my health, I truly feel like I am favored and the best part is, all these riches I keep within me so they can never be lost or taken, I value the very essence of life itself - honesty, loyalty, compassion, unconditional Love, Joy, selflessness, understanding, respect, patience - for these things have been cultivated within my spirit and do not reside outside of my being - my heart knows this is just the beginning of an amazing journey.
Allow me to come to your facility and work with your group.
Discovering Your Soul Purpose
Lets come together to uncover your purpose and how to overcome what is holding you back from moving forward.
I will provide techniques to help keep you stay motivated and shift the mind to mastering the external elements. We will be using different techniques to clear the inner chatter and tune into our Divine self.
Prepare to discuss, meditate and create the necessary intentions to make manifest your dreams. If you have been finding difficulty getting through your emotions, challenges, and overall mindset then this is the workshop for you.
• Having Faith
• Letting Go of Past Failures
• Setting Healthy Boundaries•
• Understanding Our Soul Purpose
I will provide techniques to help keep you stay motivated and shift the mind to mastering the external elements. We will be using different techniques to clear the inner chatter and tune into our Divine self.
Prepare to discuss, meditate and create the necessary intentions to make manifest your dreams. If you have been finding difficulty getting through your emotions, challenges, and overall mindset then this is the workshop for you.
• Having Faith
• Letting Go of Past Failures
• Setting Healthy Boundaries•
• Understanding Our Soul Purpose
Having Faith
Mastering Our Fears and Living In The Moment.
Simple easy ways to transform the most difficult situations into opportunities.
Simple easy ways to transform the most difficult situations into opportunities.
When push comes to shove and your life takes you to the edge of the unknown, back against the wall, bruised and battered, it just seems like all is lost and there is no way out, no air or no solution, everything seems to be happening at once and you find yourself crying for help, alone, questioning your faith and your reality, cursing at whatever God you believe in, knowing in your heart you ARE a good person and something just needs to change.
I know exactly how you feel, I too once was lost and confused, I allowed fear to rule my choices, I was constantly in battle with myself, questioning why these things were happening to me. When you finally get tired of being sick and tired come join us.
I am going to challenge everything you believe in, help you to face your fears and accept responsibility for your life and all that is in it, find that peace not just in the quiet but through the chaos, show you objectively what is happening, it will not be easy, I will be honest and compassionate and with faith all things are possible, I will guide you to heal some of the most raw uncut parts of yourself that have served only to be unconsciously destructive, you will see life through different eyes and master yourself in ways you only dreamed of.
I know exactly how you feel, I too once was lost and confused, I allowed fear to rule my choices, I was constantly in battle with myself, questioning why these things were happening to me. When you finally get tired of being sick and tired come join us.
I am going to challenge everything you believe in, help you to face your fears and accept responsibility for your life and all that is in it, find that peace not just in the quiet but through the chaos, show you objectively what is happening, it will not be easy, I will be honest and compassionate and with faith all things are possible, I will guide you to heal some of the most raw uncut parts of yourself that have served only to be unconsciously destructive, you will see life through different eyes and master yourself in ways you only dreamed of.
6 Sessions - 60 Minutes Each
The Three Marks of Existence
The Four Noble Truths The Five Skandhas The Six Realms The Eightfold Path What it means to live at Peace. |
Introduction to Buddhism
Buddhism is a way of life not a religion. A Bodhisattva is anyone who, motivated by great compassion, has generated bodhicitta, which is a spontaneous wish to attain Buddhahood for the benefit of all sentient beings - the renowned ideal of Mahayana Buddhism—is not a god or deity but a way of being we can all aspire to. those who take the bodhisattva vow make one simple commitment: to put others first, holding nothing back for themselves. The bodhisattva vow is the commitment to put others before oneself. It is a statement of willingness to give up one’s own well-being, even one’s own enlightenment, for the sake of others. And a bodhisattva is simply a person who lives in the spirit of that vow, perfecting the qualities known as the six paramitas [perfections]—generosity, discipline, patience, exertion, meditation, and transcendental knowledge—in their effort to liberate beings. Taking the bodhisattva vow implies that instead of holding our own individual territory and defending it tooth and nail, we become open to the world that we are living in. It means we are willing to take on greater responsibility, immense responsibility. In fact it means taking a big chance. But taking such a chance is not false heroism or personal eccentricity. It is a chance that has been taken in the past by millions of bodhisattvas, enlightened ones, and great teachers. |
Cultivating Love - A Journey of Self Awareness
I teach you rebellion, I teach you to not to believe a word I say or what you read or what you've been taught up until this very point in your life, question everything, go out there and see it for yourself, gain as much experience as possible, be your own greatest teacher, filled with choices that come from your heart and your soul, be different, shine your awesomeness everywhere you go, sparkle often, skip, jump and run, don't ever be afraid to keep trying because each time will be different, don't ever settle for less your worth it, don't take anything as gospel, change often, go with flow, let music fill your pours and dance even when everyone is looking, be young, be wild, be rebellious, rage against the systems and be outstanding - shine your divine light and live in such a way that your mind, body and spirit are truly free from all cages and chains and limitations that our minds create ~Will "Story" Rivera
Healthy Partnerships
Loving Without Attachments and Expectations
Loving Without Attachments and Expectations
Love should never hurt. How many of us know the pains that came from an ended relationship or are currently holding onto something that serves no purpose at all? The truth is how can we come to wholeheartedly love another without attachments if we ourselves don't even know what we want and who we are. This course will serve aid us in taking the necessary steps toward awareness of who we are and what we really want. Love is about appreciation NOT possession. |
Befriending Our Demons
Taking Responsibility for Our Lives & our Choices
Taking Responsibility for Our Lives & our Choices
This is one of those gatherings where i am going to help you to help yourself and face your life with courage and strength.
This is a course on changing our perception and getting comfortable with taking responsibility for our lives, learning to let go of blame, learning to heal, learning to take charge of our choices, making peace with who we are - right here and right now - accepting ourselves fully. |
Healing & Understanding Anger
I know what its like to experience rage, to go from hot to cold in seconds flat and not have a real understanding why, I used to bottle up my anger and upset, hold back my words I needed to express, I did everything harmful to myself in order to save relationships, be it work or personal. Took everything personal, anger used to boil my blood and cause me to be furious.
I have personally learned to heal this part of me and orchestrate constructive ways to not only live in a way that is healthy but also be able to be mindful of others. Taking small steps inward I have mastered my anger and now I utilize it to fuel my journey forward constructively and not destructively. |
I know what loss feels like, I know what it feels like to think love was wasted and swim in a sea of regrets and what if's, thinking what we could have done differently, maybe we should have fought harder or had less pride, maybe if we were better people things would never have ended in the first place, I know what it feels like to let someone go when all you ever wanted was to have them with you, to be the better person when everything inside of us is raging, when there is more anger than peace, when there is no hope in going back or moving forward and we stay stuck in this tortured replay of our own vivid memories, and we die inside with buried screams and tears of pain, and we want to take it out on the first situation that comes our way, but still by the grace of God and the fact that we love them more than ourselves we find the courage to release them, even when our hearts and minds disagree. We know all too well we cannot hold on to something that does not wish to be held on to, so we let go and let God and we curse the whole ride through because their happiness is more important than our own and at the time it feels like we will never experience that kind of love again, it feels like our chest is about to cave in, there is no air, no hope, no light, no reason to want to live our lives anymore, this emptiness that seems to find its way in everything we do and say, we've cried so long our tears are dehydrated, and we internalize everything and pretend to be strong, we put our mask on and walk around like zombies instead of seeing the experience as an opportunity and learning from it, so we stay stuck wallowing in misery.
Yeah I know what that feels like, I am living proof life does goes on with or with out us, but I can tell you this, there is so much more out there than our emotions lead us on to believe and the day will come for us to love again even if its learning to love ourselves first, we recognize that life truly is beautiful, I learned to use my emotions as the fuel to push me forward, I've learned nothing lasts forever so I make the best of this moment no matter what, I don't ever attach, I learned my happiness is within me and not supplied by others, I say how I feel when I need to, I am caught up with my I love you's, I look back with gratitude, the sorrow still exists only I have learned to make peace with it, heal it, appreciate it's presence, it has humbled me on this journey but most important I have learned to never give up and to never fear experiencing new experiences, I don't carry over any old bricks- and for me thats says a lot; just like caterpillars the moment we feel our lives are truly over is the same moment our lives begin - to all my butterflies.
~Will "Story" Rivera
Yeah I know what that feels like, I am living proof life does goes on with or with out us, but I can tell you this, there is so much more out there than our emotions lead us on to believe and the day will come for us to love again even if its learning to love ourselves first, we recognize that life truly is beautiful, I learned to use my emotions as the fuel to push me forward, I've learned nothing lasts forever so I make the best of this moment no matter what, I don't ever attach, I learned my happiness is within me and not supplied by others, I say how I feel when I need to, I am caught up with my I love you's, I look back with gratitude, the sorrow still exists only I have learned to make peace with it, heal it, appreciate it's presence, it has humbled me on this journey but most important I have learned to never give up and to never fear experiencing new experiences, I don't carry over any old bricks- and for me thats says a lot; just like caterpillars the moment we feel our lives are truly over is the same moment our lives begin - to all my butterflies.
~Will "Story" Rivera