I dreamed, I dreamed like I always dreamed, of you and me and how my heart so desperately longed for us and of you in waking thoughts, to have, to hold, to kiss, to love, nothing but unconditional. Being something more than just friends, something greater than what we both have seen and tasted, like a soul mate relationship, maybe even forever - since time is an illusion and you and I are just perfect. I long for the kind of nights that turn into mornings and I am there wrapped in your loving arms, face buried into neck and there is no distinction of where I end and you begin, just tight embraces and innocent face kisses and our love emitting from every pore in our bodies, fingers intertwined, fast heartbeats and the sweet taste of you upon my lips - us sharing parts of ourselves we never knew even existed. Your are my perfect manifestation of what love is and I dream of continuing to love you in all ways and for always. ~Will "Story" Rivera
Everyday for the next year I will be posting a new Inspirational Rule to consider living by. I hope you enjoy. Rule #167 3/31/16 Face The Unknown. We tend to cling to the pain of a given situation. We hold on tight because we fear change or loneliness. Most often the idea of letting go is hardly an easy task because that would mean we have to give up on the feeling of being loved, being needed or even wanted just for a moment. Give up the attention we crave. We strive on emotional connections, all it takes is that one good memory that keeps us holding on through all the other painful experiences. Its that fear that even though we are barely happy in the situation, at least that person has stuck by our side, we feel we are not worth better and stronger love, we feel our demons are too dark for any other person to ever accept. We lack confidence in our worth and most times we get so lost in another we fail to remember ourselves. We hold on tight because we are too afraid to try anything new. ~Will "Story" Rivera
Everyday for the next year I will be posting a new Inspirational Rule to consider living by. I hope you enjoy. Rule #166 3/30/16 Emotions Are temporary. Emotions are temporary, that is why you should never react immediately. Seek out a wise friend or place to go to that will offer your thoughts some solace. It is with time that clarity will peer through allowing you to make decisions from your heart and not out of ego. ~Will "Story" Rivera
Everyday for the next year I will be posting a new Inspirational Rule to consider living by. I hope you enjoy. Rule #165 3/29/16 True poverty is not the absence of money. Where do your values reside, what matters most you in life? There are individuals out there who are so poor they have no sense of compassion or kindness. They have are starving for love and attention. They are in desperate need of someone to truly show them unconditional love because they have gone so far from spirit that any light would be deeply nourishing. The new face of poverty is not in a monetary sense anymore - people are starving for understanding and its causing them to die slowly and in the most painful way humanly possible - losing themselves. ~Will "Story" Rivera
Everyday for the next year I will be posting a new Inspirational Rule to consider living by. I hope you enjoy. Rule #164 3/28/16 Go Within - Often. The spiritual journey we take within ourselves is one of the most scary, exciting, liberating adventures we will ever experience in our lives, peeling away our layers, understanding ourselves, finding our divine purpose, seeing with loving eye's, facing all the dark parts and making peace with our monsters; ultimately discovering the beautiful soul that dwells within our hearts. This is one of the greatest journeys any of us will ever dare to experience. ~Will "Story" Rivera
Everyday for the next year I will be posting a new Inspirational Rule to consider living by. I hope you enjoy. Rule #163 3/27/16 Advice From Mother Tree. We are the magicians who create the magic of our world, our reality, our way to live and breathe; we cannot allow anyone in this universe to ever convince us that the way we choose to see ourselves is merely just an illusion. ~Will "Story" Rivera
AuthorWill "Story" Rivera May the words shared from my soul forever serve to Inspire yours.
October 2024