Everyday for the next year I will be posting a new Inspirational Rule to consider living by. I hope you enjoy. Rule #227 05/31/16 We all move through life differently Some prefer to do as little as possible, others live at full speed. What all of us have in common though, is that we spend our time on something.What you value is relative to your circumstances and cannot be compared to another persons value or choices. Everyone is doing their version of what they think is best. ~Will "Story" Rivera
Everyday for the next year I will be posting a new Inspirational Rule to consider living by. I hope you enjoy.
Rule #226 05/30/16
The Differences That Make A Difference
Everyday for the next year I will be posting a new Inspirational Rule to consider living by. I hope you enjoy. Rule #225 05/29/16 Be Part of The Solution. It is easy to point out what is wrong in a situation, who is at fault, why things do not work. We often spend way too much time talking about the problem when we could be discussing the solution. We could be contributing to alleviate the issue not add to it. When you see a fire you help to put it out not help to increase the flames. ~Will "Story" Rivera
Everyday for the next year I will be posting a new Inspirational Rule to consider living by. I hope you enjoy. Rule #224 05/28/16 The dark are in need of light, meet greed with generosity, hate with love, indifference with understanding, meet the angry with compassion and happiness, meet ignorance with an open mind, pour your light over every inch of this universe and be unmoved by the actions and choices of others, do not allow the exterior to change the interior of who you truly are, every selfish act, every broken heart, all the thievery and cheating, every time you want to lash out and retaliate in anger -greet this life with nothing less than unconditional love - be the fire, be the flame, leaders breed leaders, inspire change through positively modeling your thoughts, speech and behavior. ~Will "Story" Rivera
Everyday for the next year I will be posting a new Inspirational Rule to consider living by. I hope you enjoy.
Rule #223 05/27/16 Everyday for the next year I will be posting a new Inspirational Rule to consider living by. I hope you enjoy. Rule #222 05/26/16 Your Vulnerability is Your Strength.
AuthorWill "Story" Rivera May the words shared from my soul forever serve to Inspire yours.
May 2023