As we grow spiritually we come to see through our experiences we don't always get to see or speak with those who we were once close to. I have come to learn that growing apart doesn't have to be painful, I've learned that if my love was true and unbinding, then that meant that my support should always be there for that person, not just when we were close but even during the times that they chose a different road to travel down. Friendship is not about how much you hang out or how often you speak, friendship is us being there for someone else when we can, within our means, with no explanations needed - it’s an absolute knowing of a bond that's created, that needs no proof that it exists - it's a gift not a contract.
We are always evolving, it's inevitable and chances are as we grow spiritually we will see less and less of the individuals we were once close with. This is neither because anyone is being mean nor because the love and respect is any less - but merely because we no longer share those common interests anymore. We begin to attract the type of energy that best fits the path we are on. See the universe is always sending us what we need to push us forward, to encourage our inner growth. So if someone isn't in your life the way they used to be don't take it to the heart. Chances are it's not because they don't love and care for you but maybe it's because you both are on a different journey now. So wish them well and give them love, be brave moving forward, have faith that new friendships await and new adventures and interests are coming. Always remember the love we gave away is never ever wasted. Things I've learned about friendship: Friendship is not a tie, it's not a rope or a bind, it's not possession or property, and it is not built upon expectations. It is not about what is given or taken, it keeps no records and plays no ill intended games. A friendship is our own personal commitment to be our best selves and share the love we have cultivated within our hearts - freely and without expectations or guarantees of anything ever being returned. Friendship is the integrity we choose to maintain even when all others fail to do so. Friendship is wholehearted understanding and not taking anything personal. It’s recognizing that we are all entitled to our lives and how we choose to live them. A friendship is us doing our best always - this does not mean we can always be there but it means we put our best foot forward during those times that are within our reach and do this without fear of judgment. Friendship is being able to say "no" without feeling bad or guilty. Friendship is loyalty - it's always speaking highly of those we love even when weeks, months and years have passed. It's an honoring of the other person no matter what has happened, no matter their choices or roads they have chosen to take. We always strive to build them up and never to break them down. See friendship is about what we give to others - not what they do for us. We strive to be the greatest friend we can be for ourselves not them, it's to satisfy our own souls light not theirs, no attachments or expectations, no need for credit or attention, we allow ourselves to be a great friend to others because it feels good to our own hearts, because this world needs more souls who live their lives by example. ~Will "Story" Rivera I never understood labels, these categories set apart to create an unnecessary separation of the mind, body and spirit. My sky shows no direction, nor does the forest or the sea, every wall and barrier created was built by man not naturally, I was created as all things - I am neither Christian, Buddhist nor Shaman but I do practice loving, I am a child of God. I honor all faiths because I love and accept myself as is, therefor I am at peace with all people, as they are - no changes necessary. I am not gay or straight but I love with a fierce passion, I consider all love a sacred connection that all beings are deserving of, I live by my own code of conduct that honors life itself - not just my own agenda. I have this freedom about me because I care not of the opinions of others, life is too short for me to be anything except what God intended for my purpose. I would never intentionally set out to hurt anyone regardless of how bad they may have caused me harm, I have forgiven when it was not deserved and learned to let go when all I wanted to do was hold on, I see gratitude in places others view despair, I am both blessed and favored, I look to the little things that mean everything to me, I have learned that you cannot take anything from me that really matters because I keep my most valuable gems within my own soul, life happens for me and I give back often, I show compassion, selflessness, loyalty, respect, I carry a light within me so bright you can see it with your eyes closed, again... I tell you, I never understood labels, I am all things and nothing and everything in this universe is a direct reflection of me. ~Will "Story" Rivera
What is faith, faith is having absolute confidence - anytime we demonstrate faith, we’re relying on something. When you sit in a chair, you’re relying on the chair to hold you up - you never question its integrity or ability to keep you from falling on the floor. When you pour a liquid into a cup I bet you don’t think twice about whether or not it will leak, or when you walk up stairs you never for once think you will fall through. Faith in God means we rely on the unseen and depend on this reliability without hesitation, with full confidence. We seem to give our absolute faith so freely to other things of less importance yet we hesitate when it comes to believing in ourselves, we hesitate and panic at the first sign of tribulations. Having faith means realizing that God has a greater plan and if we just allow that plan to unfold without our manipulation and constant battle to control, we will experience the greatness of the path that lies before us.
Genuine faith is relying on the unseen direction, God's direction. Most often we think we know better. We think we have a better plan or we want to always be in control - we want to use our logic and get to the answer in a way that satisfied our immediate needs and impatience, our confusion and discomfort, we want that which doesn't require risk. But God wants us to grow, so he takes us a different way. Often times the struggle seems impossible, the task may look terrifying, the situation heartbreaking, but with faith we know deep down that no matter what the experience – we are blessed and favored and there is no situation that we will not grow from. The more we learn to nurture our faith the more we begin to allow God to do the good work for us, we let go of worry and replace that energy with trust. This gives us more time to focus on the things that really matter because we know deep in our hearts that we are always taken care of. ~Will “Story” Nothing in the nature lives for itself; rivers don’t drink their own water, trees don’t eat their own fruit and the sun doesn’t give heat for itself – we were intended to live a life of service to others, not just to serve ourselves. We interrupt the natural order of nature when we live a life that only serves our ego, community is everything – ask yourself continually, how can I be of service? Let every intention and action be born with others in mind- whether its earth, animals or people – give of your-self freely. ~Will “Story” Rivera |
AuthorWill "Story" Rivera May the words shared from my soul forever serve to Inspire yours.
October 2024