and I could love you..
I could love through a thousand poems and words unspoken, through sonnets and quotes and storms that never end. I could love you in darkness and in light, through nights that seem too scary to even describe, I could love you in all ways and for always and bring new meaning to forever, I could be your source of replenishment in exhaustion, your bullet proof vest, I could caress you and caress you and never get tired, hold you in tight embraces that just will not cease, I could love like eternity and reincarnation the joy of finding each other over and over again, in all occasions and all seasons - through hell and back, my love is that grand. I could love you like that. ~Will "Story" Rivera I dreamed, I dreamed like I always dreamed, of you and me and how my heart so desperately longed for us and of you in waking thoughts, to have, to hold, to kiss, to love, nothing but unconditional. Being something more than just friends, something greater than what we both have seen and tasted, like a soul mate relationship, maybe even forever - since time is an illusion and you and I are just perfect. I long for the kind of nights that turn into mornings and I am there wrapped in your loving arms, face buried into neck and there is no distinction of where I end and you begin, just tight embraces and innocent face kisses and our love emitting from every pore in our bodies, fingers intertwined, fast heartbeats and the sweet taste of you upon my lips - us sharing parts of ourselves we never knew even existed. Your are my perfect manifestation of what love is and I dream of continuing to love you in all ways and for always. ~Will "Story" Rivera
I came to meet you today. It was at the place we used to always meet at for the few moments that we stole from time, the only moments where you and I could be ourselves and be lost in each other’s presence. Quiet chatter and hopeful plans for a future we both knew was a dream. Or maybe it was only I who dreamed it. None the less I came to see you. It was one of those meetings where I hoped things could be like they used to be and I sat there visualizing the impossibility of you knowing I was there, special connection, but still my hopes got the best of my heart and I waited with eager eyes and fearful doubt simultaneously. I prayed for a miracle to see you, even just for a moment. I just needed to know you were OK, it didn't even matter that I was broken in a thousand ways and it seems my breathing has become difficult and there is this unbearable weight upon my soul now that you are no longer “here”, but honestly I swear, my only concern was to make sure your life was better and that there was hope for you to be successful even after all that transpired. I just needed to know you were ok. I am not even sure what I was thinking by posting these letters but I guess I just needed to say it out loud since I could not say it to you and maybe just maybe someday you will read this and know I waited for you today. ~Will “Story” Rivera
Id rather go through hell together with you than face any kind of heaven with anyone else. I don't really know how I can explain it, but somehow you are missing from me, if such a thing could even exist - and before I knew you I'm not really sure I knew how to share that kind of unconditional acceptance - but we did. I would rather us be beside each other in a storm, than safe and warm alone. In the midst of it all you became my shining star and like all stars do, you have never left my sky and I, would you choose you again and again. I would go through any hardship life has to bring hand and hand, fingers intertwined, scared and terrified but trusting and faithful knowing it is you there with me rather than to ever have it easy and live another moment of my life without you in it. ~Will "Story" Rivera
AuthorWill "Story" Rivera May the words shared from my soul forever serve to Inspire yours.
October 2024