Lesson: To resolve personal karmic patterns which helps heal the collective Pisces evokes the archetypal wise woman, the inner grandmother who guide us unseen through our trials & tribulations. If we are wise we remember to ask for their assistance & attune to her & the celestial grandmothers for guidance. Our strength during a Pisces transit lies in our ability to surrender & ask for divine intervention. For it is a universal law that we each have free will, so in order to receive help we must first ask or assistance is considered an imposition. So if you’ve been challenged in the lead up to this new moon, remember you don’t need to suffer by trying to solve your challenge alone. Surrender your burden to avail the help of your guides, ancestors & the benevolent universe. Get off the Merry-Go-Round of Past Conditions Pisces is the final sign in the zodiac wheel also known as the Wheel of Fate. Pisces transits ask us to review our lives & identify the patterns so we can make different choices & spiral up to a new set of circumstances rather than life being constant repetition like Groundhog Day. This new moon occurs in the final degrees of the last sign! So you may find you revisit some past lessons (even reconnect with people from your past) as a form of revision to see if you’ve really learned your lesson & are ready to move into a chapter that reflects a greater level of understanding. That means being willing to surrender that which you cannot change or fix according to your ego’s will. Time to Confront Your Greatest Wound!
So if things get really intense in the lead up to this new moon – be careful not to curse your fate, as such an act will destine you to more of the same. Instead, bless the opportunity to experience yourself as patient, kind, understanding, wise or compassionate in the face of cruelty, injustice & hurt. This is the ultimate lesson of Pisces! When someone treats you badly, do not cast yourself as the victim / martyr or you will reap what you sew. Pisces increases our subtle perceptions & our ability to read the signs to navigate the mystery of life. So this is a time to attune to our intuition & follow our subtle impressions more than ever! And if we feel slighted by another, retrace your experience to identify if flags were raised by your intuition as the lesson to be learned. This is why the 3 wise women known as ‘The Fates’ were shown as aspects of our psyche reminding us to consider the past, present & future with all we say & do. If we don’t want to re-live our past, we need to be centered in our wisest self in the present moment so we don’t repeat the past by speaking negative expectations & assumptions that will shape our future…but we also need to review our past to develop our wisdom. So this new moon be very mindful of blessing any crises / opportunities that present, as a reminder that you have choice at every crossroads…everything depends on how you respond. With Chiron, the planetoid within a couple of degrees of the new moon also in Pisces, prepare to confront your greatest wound this new moon if you haven’t already this month as the sun illuminated this as it moved through Pisces. With Uranus also in Pisces, the opportunity to heal the wound may come from a completely unexpected place & grant you the opportunity for sudden resolution. Live simply but dream big.
Take the steps and do the things that bring you to the point where you absolutely know, with complete certainty, that you can achieve your goals and be the kind of success that it is possible for you to be. Have that indestructible faith and confidence in your inner being. When you reach the point of absolute knowing, no matter what happens outside of yourself, even if you lose everything you have acquired, you will make it all back again, plus more. Remember when you take full accountability for the circumstances you are facing, you realize the power that your choices brought you to where you are now and you have the power to get yourself out. ~Will "Story" Rivera Why is it we feel so compelled to prove ourselves right all the time, we allow the slightest difference in belief or thought pattern to turn our reality upside down. There is no need to argue over anything in this world. Everyone we come across and learn about is our teacher in some way shape or form. When we allow ourselves to be open to understand that our truth, points and beliefs are not the only one's with illuminating effects, we in turn encourage unity and oneness. Once we start to believe that we have the "truth" or we are "right" we are done growing spiritually and we become stagnate in our own limited reality.
It all starts out with a perspective, how we choose to see the world through our eye’s, completely unique depending on the experiences on our journey, that is where perception comes in, this is very tricky, our bare eye’s can be deceiving, what we interpret is happening in the world around us is merely based on our belief, and our belief is only an opinion derived from the experiences we have had. Beliefs are literally prejudiced by one’s own point of view which is exactly why the need to stay open and continue listening and searching for “truths” is so important to our spiritual growth. Everyone in this world has their own system of living and seeing things, understanding and relating, no two paths are the only way, until we learn to question our own conclusions, or at least allow the thoughts process of others about our conclusion in, we will stay stuck in our own truths so to speak. Since we evolve and life around us ever evolving so too will our truths and way of life, think of it this way, we don’t stop believing or just drop the belief that has been working toward our highest good for so long, rather we learn how to expand our understanding to encompass more and gain more wisdom from doing so. Not everything and everyone we meet will be agreeable, I am not saying to follow everything you hear, the point is to reach a point of awareness enough to be open and honest to understanding the other person, understanding what has happened in their life to have led them to live and think the way they do, if we can make it that far in our awareness we will learn to see life through their eye’s, and recognize why they make the choices they have, without judgment, simply understanding and respecting that their way of life is their way, equally as important as our way, no one way has more validity than the other; each one plays a significant role on this earth to both teach and learn from. ~Will "Story" Rivera Most people complain about their bills. They complain about the struggle and how expensive life is. How they never have any money left to enjoy life. I know because I used to be one of those people. I've learned to say "Thank You" for having the money to pay my bills even if it leaves me with nothing left. I know what it is like to feel the stress and worry of not having what I need. I know what it feels like to have that sick to your stomach feeling when the phone rings and its the landlord, to not know how your going to get to work because the car has no gas and you have no bus money. I know what it is like to open the fridge door three to four times in hopes of finding something to eat but realizing it is empty. The attitude of genuine gratitude always makes way for opportunities and roads to open that allow for more blessings to enter. So these days when I get the opportunity to pay a bill, I see it as just that, an opportunity - one that I do not take for granted. Now when I get money in and I know I can pay something on time, I get excited, I say thank you, shoot, when I can pay bill I want to high five the world! ~Will "Story" Rivera Have you every worried yourself to the point of emotional, even physical exhaustion? Do you often feel stuck, anxious, or mistrustful of the world around you? There are many ways to aid the worry heart. Worrying plays tricks on you, it makes you feel like everything that has not come to pass is real.
The first thing to remember is that Worry cannot exist in the present. That is a fact. The other is having the courage to let it come. When we use acceptance of our situation rather than trying to control and change what cannot be changed, we eliminate the room for worry. There is power in acceptance and facing life welcoming the mysteries that come with it. Chances are you have been through worse things than what you are worrying about. These notable small conquers count. These triumphs are just proof of how strong you really are. ~Will “Story” Rivera |
AuthorWill "Story" Rivera May the words shared from my soul forever serve to Inspire yours.
October 2024