Everyday for the next year I will be posting a new Inspirational Rule to consider living by. I hope you enjoy. Rule #17 10/31/15 Accept that People CAN and WILL change up until they take their very last breath. Our personalities and beliefs are in constant motion of change even when we may think not much is different. The experiences that we are exposed to each create a shifting of our consciousness; some toward growth while other experiences sometimes lead us toward fear. Either way we are ever changing. In partnerships and relationships, we must come to understand that change is inevitable. We become so disappointed when someone we love does not remain the same person we once knew. We try to them to mold them into a better picture that suits our needs and not theirs. It is one thing to encourage but a whole other situation when we try to force change. It's your choice to tolerate or walk away from someone. You can choose to stop dealing with the person OR accept him/her as is and change your response to them. Trying to change the person won't make them change. Changing your response can.
The most valuable lesson in life that I have learned is that I do not have to like what people do, but I do choose to unconditionally accept them as they are; flawless or with flaws. My perception is what creates the change. Adjust your expectations. What seems wrong can be right to someone else and the same vice versa. ~Will "Story" Rivera Everyday for the next year I will be posting a new Inspirational Rule to consider living by. I hope you enjoy. Rule #16 10/30/15 Do not be guided by negativity. Negative thought patterns can ruin your life and drain you of any and all hope and faith you once had. We all have voices inside our heads commenting on our moment-to-moment experiences. Rather than empathize with our suffering or the suffering of someone else, we are quick to criticize, and judge. A negative mind will cloud our decision making and not allow for us to see the good in any experience or person. It is a subtle process, we do not just wake up and become a negative person. It starts with one or two misfortunes or bad experiences we were unable to see the lesson in, then it creeps to more and more of our focus becomes shifted in only seeing the misery and the sadness. We see less and less of any good happening. The more we concentrate on all that is going wrong the greater the suffering becomes.
Seeing the good in life, no matter what happens is practice, it is a habit that needs to be exercised daily. We choose our thoughts and our actions, none of this is outside of ourselves and when we take responsibility for our life and all that is in it - we take back power to change what we can and grow from every experience. Choose to be guided by love and not fear. ~Will "Story" Rivera Ask yourself this:
If you answered yes to any of these questions, it may be time to refocus your attention and discipline your thoughts to see only the opportunities and how to grow from each lesson. Everyday for the next year I will be posting a new Inspirational Rule to consider living by. I hope you enjoy. Rule #15 10/29/15 Always admit to your mistakes in life and look to rectify them. Life is a journey filled with many experiences. Among those experiences we will trip and fall and occasionally make mistakes, whether intentional or not. The key to this rule is to learn how to transform a mistake into an opportunity for growth. If we fail to recognize and acknowledge where we fell short or why we did what we did, we will never be able to recognize the opportunity of growth and respect that comes with taking responsibility for our lives and our actions. Ownership is key to great leadership. When we take responsibility for our errors we open doors that lead directly toward the solution. We take another great step toward mastering fears.
Always be honest, be brave and never fear admitting when you have done something wrong. We are all doing our best, so do not be so hard on yourself or anyone else. ~Will "Story" Rivera Everyday for the next year I will be posting a new Inspirational Rule to consider living by. I hope you enjoy. Rule #14 10/28/15 Stay Humble.
Know the difference between Confidence and Cockiness. Confidence is absolutely essential to our journey in life, while cockiness is an over-extension of a healthy ego. It is perfectly OK to excel but this does not mean than you are better than others. Treat every soul as an equal, the respect and encouragement you give to others is detrimental to their progress and your own. Stay humble during your success and hopeful during your failures. ~Will “Story” Rivera Everyday for the next year I will be posting a new Inspirational Rule to consider living by. I hope you enjoy. Rule #13 10/27/15 Give of yourself often. It is so easy to get so wrapped up in fixing your own life that you forget about helping others. And while it’s important to put yourself first sometimes, it’s even more important to help others whenever you can. As you journey, it will be detrimental that you choose to understand that your life purpose is not just to be happy, but to be useful, to be compassionate and kind, caring and selfless, to share joy and peace in ways that will touch another deep down to the core. You will impact thousands just in one lifetime, people whom you see daily, family, friends, even strangers will know of your love and the immeasurable value that comes from the gift of giving. Give often. ~Will “Story” Rivera
Everyday for the next year I will be posting a new Inspirational Rule to consider living by. I hope you enjoy. Rule #12 10/26/15 Life has no guarantees. We here the expression live in the now often, but how often do we really take the time to understand the quality of its meaning. Starting today, treat everyone you meet, friend or foe, loved one or stranger, as if they were going to be dead at midnight. Extend to each person, no matter how complicated the soul, all the care and kindness and understanding and love that you can muster within your heart and do this with no thought of anything in return. I guarantee the arguments would be less important, the criticism less needed, if we only treated everyone closest to us with the regards that this day was the very last for them - the compassion would be overwhelming. Things that were once important would be meaningless in the greater scheme of things. Think about this deeply. If we treat every situation as if it was our last, this world would be forever changed in the most beautiful, inspiring way. Try it and see the results for yourself. ~Will "Story" Rivera
AuthorWill "Story" Rivera May the words shared from my soul forever serve to Inspire yours.
October 2024