Everyday for the next year I will be posting a new Inspirational Rule to consider living by. I hope you enjoy. Rule #248 06/21/16 We are during every second changing, it is all about keeping balance, the more we flow the easier it gets to allow life to just happen without the need to meet it with shields up and swords drawn; letting go and allowing ourselves to not just go with the flow but actually be the flow. We don’t need one person cursing or one car cutting us off to take us out of our divine element. We allow others and circumstances to rob us of our pure joy, of our clarity to learn and gain wisdom, our gifts to give this world. Let nothing come in between us and the love we have to share with this world. Remembering who we are through every moment we experience gives other souls the right to remember who they are, it is through our example of the way we live that we literally liberate each other into the grace of our higher selves. ~Will "Story" Rivera
Everyday for the next year I will be posting a new Inspirational Rule to consider living by. I hope you enjoy. Rule #247 06/20/16 I knew if I walked far enough, if I searched long enough, if I refused to give up and settle I would eventually find what I was looking for, just as I imagined, the right place, the right time, in the right field, everything was exactly as I dreamed, from the way the grass was growing to the position of the wild flowers, even the weeds were magnificent - and as the sun was peering downward spreading flirtatious warm kisses - their she was, settled under that tree, with her book in her hands and her beauty, she was lost in her lines and her imagination so intently reading, she was oblivious to anything else, I wanted to scream out and shout for her, I wanted to grab her right then and there and tell her I've waited my whole life to find her, I wanted to hold her and never let her go, dedicate my love to her, I've waited so long and been through so much- I always new one day I would find her.
In dedication myself, it took me so long to fall in love with the person I am today, to have a sense of respect for myself, my life and it's purpose. - by the grace of God I am blessed, favored and saved. All my relationships start with God first then everything else. ~Will "Story" Rivera Everyday for the next year I will be posting a new Inspirational Rule to consider living by. I hope you enjoy. Rule #246 06/19/16 She dreamed of a better life, she dreamed of traveling and seeing what the world had to offer, she craved human experiences and interaction, for her the exchange of kindness and wonder was the ultimate drug, she wanted to learn everything and all things, to go to schools in foreign places and travel to a home in the woods for her solace, she wanted vacations and lazy days, to wake and have no obligations whatsoever except to praise God and be in prayer, to do more than just survive, she was so much more than ordinary, she wanted to help all beings she crossed paths with, to inspire a new generation of love and understanding, she wanted to encourage others to follow their dreams, to be unique and crazy and unconditionally accept themselves as they are, she wanted to teach others how to fly, to spread their wings and use the winds of faith to keep them in the air, to shine such a light upon the world that she herself could be mistaken for the sun, she was true, kind and loyal - but most of all she was genuine, to be around her meant you were free. ~Will "Story" Rivera
Everyday for the next year I will be posting a new Inspirational Rule to consider living by. I hope you enjoy. Rule #245 06/18/16 Working hard on well being, I let my weight go, my self esteem go, my self care in general I pretty much just let go, a few months ago I made a vision board detailing the goals I had for myself, my wishes and dreams, I became aware of how I spent to much of my earlier life on things I felt were "obligation " and not what my heart dreamed, I recognized that at one point my ego was humongous to the point of danger and then I let it dissipate into nothing having no self worth whatsoever, it's all about balance - I have lived almost all my life in the "extremes" of energy and boy have I learned some valuable life altering lessons to say the least.
Everyday for the next year I will be posting a new Inspirational Rule to consider living by. I hope you enjoy. Rule #244 06/17/16 Sonny: What am I supposed to do now?
Madea: Get up and go on with your life. It’s all right to sit around and be depressed for a minute. Cry about it. Do whatever you have to do, but don’t stay there too long. Get up and go on with your life. This is what I’ve learned in all these years on this earth. If somebody wants to walk out of your life, Let. Them. Go. Especially if you know you’ve done everything you can do. If you’ve sat around and been the best man or the best woman you can be and they still want to go, let them go. Whatever they’re running after, they’ll see what they had in a minute, but by then it’s gonna be too late. Cause you’ll sit there and you go, cause half these people you’ll be sitting around crying about and worrying about, two or three years from now you ain’t even gonna remember their last name. How many times you done seen folks and you’ll be like, “What the hell was I thinking? …What was wrong with me?.. I must have been lonely as hell to hook up with you!” Let folks go, Sonny. Some people come into your life for a lifetime. Some come for a season. You’ve got to know which is which. And you’re gonna always mess up when you mix seasonal people up with lifetime expectations. They got people that got married with people they was only supposed to be with for a season and they got married to people they were only supposed to be with for a season and wondering why they have so much hell in their life. That was a person that was only supposed to teach you one thing. You didn’t know it so you just fell in love and now you wondering why you ain’t got no peace nowhere you go. No, no, listen I put everybody that comes into my life in the category of a tree. Some people are like leaves on a tree. The wind blows — they’re over here. They’re unstable. It blows the other way — now they’re over here. The season changes. They wither and die. They’re gone. It’s alright. Some people, most people in the world are like that. They’re just there to take from the tree. They ain’t there to do nothing but take and give shade every now and then. That’s all they can do. But don’t get mad if people are like that. That’s who they are. That’s what they were put on this earth to be what they are, a leaf. Some people are like a branch on that tree. You’ve got to be careful about them branches too cause they’ll fool you. They’ll make you think they’re a good friend and they’re real strong, but the minute you step out there on them they’ll break and leave you high and dry. But if you find two or three people in your life that are like the roots at the bottom of that tree, you are blessed. Because they’re the kind of people that ain’t going nowhere. They ain’t worried about being seen. Don’t nobody have to know what they’re doing for you but if those roots weren’t there that tree couldn’t live. You understand? A tree could have a hundred million branches, but only a few roots down at the bottom to make sure it gets everything it needs. I’m telling you, Sonny, when you get you some roots hold on to them, but the rest of ‘em, let ‘em go. Just let it go. Let folks go. -From Madea Show http://vimeo.com/user24927139/madea Everyday for the next year I will be posting a new Inspirational Rule to consider living by. I hope you enjoy. Rule #243 06/16/16 Be The Light And she woke up with this unconditional love in her being, it was unlike anything she had ever experienced before, she wanted to touch the world and all its inhabitants in the dark and hurt places that she knew only LOVE could reach - a compassion that radiated from the very core of her soul ~Will "Story" Rivera
AuthorWill "Story" Rivera May the words shared from my soul forever serve to Inspire yours.
October 2024