She dreamed of a better life, she dreamed of traveling and seeing what the world had to offer, she craved human experiences and interaction, for her the exchange of kindness and wonder was the ultimate drug, she wanted to learn everything and all things, to go to schools in foreign places and travel to a home in the woods for her solace, she wanted vacations and lazy days, to wake and have no obligations whatsoever except to praise God and be in prayer, to do more than just survive, she was so much more than ordinary, she wanted to help all beings she crossed paths with, to inspire a new generation of love and understanding, she wanted to encourage others to follow their dreams, to be unique and crazy and unconditionally accept themselves as they are, she wanted to teach others how to fly, to spread their wings and use the winds of faith to keep them in the air, to shine such a light upon the world that she herself could be mistaken for the sun, she was true, kind and loyal - but most of all she was genuine, to be around her meant you were free. ~Will "Story" Rivera
![]() That breath you just took, yeah the one you just inhaled and released prior to even finishing this sentence - that was a gift, it's a present we receive over and over again, the kind we tend to take for granted simply because we allow ourse...lves to get a little too comfortable, a little too distracted, a little too busy to stop and realize just how powerful that breath truly was, just how significant breathing is to our lives and being alive - make it a daily habit to be grateful for each and every time God grants you another chance to continue breathing - regardless of your pain, your situation, your worry and your fear, take a moment to embrace the fact that you are here now and that in itself is really a powerful gift - your life has great purpose, use it. ~Will "Story" Rivera You wake, you breathe, you yawn, you open your eyes, you stretch, you breathe again, you find your footing, you are alive and well and made it to another day, that in itself is more than most, take the time to be quiet, take the time to thank God for another chance, to be grateful that your are needed today, your life and your purpose is going to be impactful, whether you are intentional or not, you will touch lives regardless, make a conscious effort to ensure what you give ...of yourself today will make your soul proud, will nurture your spirit to move higher, to ensure that you are aligned with your life purpose, that your life force is glowing and your smiling and you truly truly believe just how magnificent you are to this universe, you are good, you are worthy, you are the epitome of love and divine influence, have faith and be true to yourself - share your light often. ~Will "Story" Rivera
I crave the deepest of intimate situations, a soul must be emotionally, spiritually and mentally rich if they are going to stimulate my interest, they must carry depths deeper than the oceans bottom to even come close to having my heart, you must have an indestructible faith and connection with God if you are ever going to have my absolute devotion, we must crash and flow in an ebb of waves and ways that are not understood by many, I need a bottomless depth, mystery to be explored and explored and explored - a mirror of myself and our souls potential - I demand that. ~Will "Story" Rivera
We were lost, not lost like we needed directions but lost into each others consciousness, like a dream, like her and I were astral traveling into other dimensions where we defied gravity and all hope of rational thought, we were deep, deep ...into this common space we shared, it was not a place but a space that we couldn't even prove existed but it did and we were there and we enjoyed each other thoroughly, we were in the moment, she and I, kisses like we were teenagers, innocent yet intentional, we were in sync, we were like magnets, when one moved the other responded and vice versa, we were lost into each others souls and the journey was beyond wonderful. She was centered, she was gravity and I, well I was space and clouds and oxygen, I was neither tangible nor relative but she was my grounding, like my rock, she was my reality and her and I were perfect creatures sharing the same dream. ~Will "Story" Rivera
You look at the news and read the paper, you think to yourself what kind of world this is, you walk down the street and see the need for unity, you ride the subway and look at the trash in the rails, you observe how so many have so much and no one shares, your aware of how resources should be free, you sit at red light and see all the individuals who are asking for some change; some CHANGE, any change, if you own an opinion or a thought or even have the ability to breathe air... today than you are what's needed to make a difference, you are the change you wish to see, you are exactly what you have been waiting for all this time - rise up and begin today, fight that ego that says your "just one person" - that lonely feeling like you are the only person who is awake and wants to make a difference, baby I know your scared, but you need to know with absolute conviction that you are needed and what you have to offer is in fact going to change the world around you. Know This. ~Will "Story" Rivera
AuthorWill "Story" Rivera May the words shared from my soul forever serve to Inspire yours.
October 2024