So many believe that they don’t have what it takes to make a major impact in this world, you don’t have to be named Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Theresa, Thomas Edison or Albert Einstein to have what it takes to start creating the change that is so desperately needed in the world of today. The real truth is every single one of us has something very genuine inside, something amazing and beautiful, no two people are the same, and each one of us carries this spark, this light that has un-limitless potential that can ignite a change in history as we know it!
Our world as we know it is transforming whether you mind your business or not, if you think going to work and taking care of your family is going to be enough for survival you are very misled, if you truly want to care for your children and your family then everyone must take certain responsibilities for not only their own actions but for the habitat that surrounds you. We need to be the change we want to see in tomorrow, our speech, our behaviors, our reactions, our interactions all play a huge role in this lifetime, every particle of energy we set out in this world creates a ripple effect for others to be affected by. You are more than “just” one person in this world, there is nothing that cannot be changed, nothing is ever set in stone, and even actions in the smallest measure can make a huge impact. Step by step is all it takes - make the effort. ~Will "Story" Rivera ![]() I do not look at you, I look in you, it is that very reason I can see and feel intentions, I hear your words before you even speak them, most find this intimidating, but it’s nothing to be scared of, a gift we are all capable of, the eyes of one another run deep, each person carries a story unique, so intriguing, so vividly lived, if you look closely enough you can literally hear their soul speak, it’s so amazing, the experience transforms into understanding, infinite compassion, it ends all judgment, sometimes I get chills, the feeling is nothing I can put into words, with that I stay open, hoping, wishing, vibrating positive energy, so that I may continue to meet other’s just like me, who are brave enough to see life clearly. Love is Everywhere, close your eyes and Feel it ~Will "Story" Rivera |
AuthorWill "Story" Rivera May the words shared from my soul forever serve to Inspire yours.
October 2024