She was perfect, like art only better, like background music set to the perfect scene and she was the main attraction, she was attraction, sexy and so humble, she was a gentle reflection of the purest soul, the brightest light, the most creative being I have ever met, I mean perfect no buts or changes needed, well dressed from the inside out, eyes deeper than my own, so kind was her heart, soulful and filled with wisdom, she opened her arms and gave love everywhere she went, warm embraces and the biggest heart I ever experienced, a once in a lifetime friend, honesty and courage, independent and true, to be near her was inspiring, she had this loving nature about her - so unconditional, she was a free spirit, her authenticity to be herself liberated all others who came in contact with her and she didn't even know, a smile that could light up the darkest room, playful and innocent, she was magnificent, a gift from God himself, she was music and dance and poetry, she was your favorite movie and your favorite song, she was the places you dreamed about and the moments you held onto for dear life, she was everything and all things beautiful and I looked upon her with aww, so graceful and inspiring, so captivated by her essence - I am forever changed.~Will "Story" Rivera You are the sun - your love is like a warm wave of rays that flows over every pore of my body, the kind of heat that causes eyes to close, deep inhales and contagious smiles, like beams of light that lift the darkness, exhales of comfort, you are my sun - you shine in ways that seem impossible but you prove to me that it is in fact real, your light, your soul, your being exclaims positivity and faith, you are so connected I am inspired by your ways, by your talent, by your gifts- those gifts that you share so freely with the world, you are a child of God, devoted and pure, you are heat in my coldest moments, a warmth I sometimes question whether I am deserving of, a blessing I dreamed about, you are bright lights and stars in the sky, you are navigation like a compass during lost moments and confusion, you are my North Star, my lighthouse, my home, you are safety and shelter from monsters I no longer need to run from because you ARE protection - you love me no matter what - you are shining - like grace and comfort you set my life ablaze - you are my Sun. ~Will "Story" Rivera Life happens but we still remain, a friendship rooted in forever, she was a light upon us and I was in awe of her essence, surrounded by jealousy and whispers,we were children of God, who's father remains so very protective and we praised him first before anything, she was my grounding and I her inspiration, the kind of connection people dream about, we were shielded and blessed, favored, two souls of divine nature, best friends, like white lights in the darkness we were gifted in ways that proved we were here to change the world we lived in, supernatural, greatness upon greatness, kind and pure, innocent, true to each other, loyalty like you see in the books you read, she was there during every fall and every loss of hope I had, she was my replenishment of faith and hope and she continually brought me back to Lord himself and I was so grateful, so blessed, she is the mirror I had searched for, the reflection of my core and all the admiration I had for her and her beauty, her greatness, her talents, all reminded me of what existed inside myself- together we define unstoppable - our love is unconditional. ~Will "Story" Rivera |
AuthorWill "Story" Rivera May the words shared from my soul forever serve to Inspire yours.
October 2024