It's one person at a time, I heard a new term yesterday at work - "chronically homeless" I do not wish to even begin to express how heavy my heart gets just knowing that we have come so far to even coin a term, I am not hear to preach and lecture but I will tell you I know in the deepest depths of my soul that this homelessness situation is a man made problem and it doesn't matter to me who is to blame, all that matters is what are we doing daily to extend those hands and hearts God gave us to the nearest person who needs it - it's not just monetary, a life of service to each other should be at the core of every book and curriculum and test, community for each other, maybe it's a hello, maybe it's a ride home, maybe it's calling people and reminding them they are loved and appreciated, stop and put down your phone to listen intently, be present 100%, this world is filled with so many good people, so many who do not realize the power of one reach, we cannot be lead by fear or discouraged, we get so wrapped up in our world we don't realize that when we help others we really help ourselves. ~Will "Story" Rivera
You wake up and what is first thought - is it God, is it thank you, is of the one you love, is of worry or finances, maybe your first thought is a curse at the day, maybe it's peace and gratitude, try to imagine what your day would like if you woke up to the glory of God, how different your mindset would be if only you offered to be of service to others, if you asked to do what was needed of you rather than what was wanted by you, imagine how much light would fill you up if you only set your worries aside and replaced every ounce of them with Faith - your life - your choices, the clearer your mind and heart, the clearer your guidance is; imagine if. ~Will "Story" Rivera
Psalm 23 The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever. We as a culture have literally grown afraid to be poor. We tend to despise and judge anyone who elects to go without in order to simplify their lives. Not everyone has this elaborate need to possess things and when a soul elects not to join the general scramble and craze of the money-making world, we deem them spiritless, we think they lack in ambition and make them feel less of themselves simply because they have chosen to lead a life without attachment, a lifestyle of only taking what's necessary rather than allowing their wants to take over them. The truth is no one in this world would ever go without if we only pursued what was necessary and shared with others the balance. Our mindsets are always lacking, we make choices from this "lack mentality" this fear that we might run out, instead of having faith that every time we choose to give - God has already replenished us. ~Will "Story" Rivera We need help and it's not a terrible thing to admit it at all. There is nothing wrong in admitting to God that we need help running our lives, help to make the kind of choices that serve our highest good, help understand the heart ache and the mess, help in developing the gifts that God himself bestowed upon us, help healing physically, mentally and emotionally. We receive God’s grace in many shapes and forms - friendships, family, partners, work, community and even in the wild amongst our furry little animal neighbors. The point is that it's ok to ask and it's ok let go and let God takeover, admitting that is not a sign of weakness, it is a sign of spiritual maturity. We are weak unless we find our strength and our courage in God, and the sooner we face that fact, the better.
So many people have position, wealth, and power and still feel empty because they do not possess what really matters—good surrounding relationships, clear connection with God, peace, joy, contentment, compassion, honesty, satisfaction, good health and the ability to enjoy their life and truly be happy free from attachment. Not everything that appears well is well, if we don't start from within we will always be without, if you are doing your best and trying your hardest to make things work and cultivate inner success but find that you are always failing or falling short - the problem is not you - the problem is you have not sought the right person for help - pray more worry less, the best kind of relationship to have is the one we create with our God. ~Will "Story" Rivera You're tired, you're weak, you're dam near exhausted, work all day and probably all night too, no time for anyone or anything, all this just to survive, just to make it and barely at that, you strive and you take it, you keep being your best self, you want to quit but you don't, you have this drive, this will, this faith, this strength and courage, God is what pushes you forward, hope itself, something keeps telling you "don't give up" - keep going, don't stop, don't give in,... there will be NO surrender, not tonight or ever, just one more step, just one more day, just one more round and by the grace of all that is holy you make through, you continue, you succeed in your own way, you overcome your own trials, you excel at your best self and everyday it becomes worth it, worth all the blood sweat and tears and you know in your heart you were made for this, you know things will change, you know deep down that when you have the faith to live fearlessly you transform every experience into an opportunity- giving up is no longer an option. ~Will "Story" Rivera
She said she talks to God daily, I wondered what she meant, she said she writes to him as often as she thinks, prayers are sacred quiet moments, she spends lots of time in silence so she can hear the divine responses, whispers of wisdom and clarity, lots of thoughtful conversation, I was lost in admiration, inspired by her faith, I wanted to connect as deeply as she did, I wanted nothing more than to feel the divine flow through me all day in ways that only I could experience, she helped me to reach that place, she reignited that relationship, kept me focused which allowed me to remember who's child I really was and just how much I was loved. ~Will "Story" Rivera
AuthorWill "Story" Rivera May the words shared from my soul forever serve to Inspire yours.
October 2024