Everyday for the next year I will be posting a new Inspirational Rule to consider living by. I hope you enjoy. Rule #29 11/13/15 Turn Your Mess Into A Message. Everyone has made mistakes. Our job is to face them with encouragement and take responsibility for our part - no matter how terrified it makes us feel. When blaming others or blaming anything outside of ourselves, we inadvertently hand our power to change the situation to the person or thing we are blaming. When we choose to take responsibility over where our life is at, we immediately take hold of the power to change it.
Take your story and choose to see it through the eyes of triumph and acceptance. Everything that has transpired has been a result of the choices you made or are still making and honestly if you want things to be different then you have to be willing to make different choices. It is all about the story you choose to tell about yourself and your life. Our thoughts are everything and the perception we choose has a deep impact on our current situation. When you have come to make peace with yourself you may then add value to other people’s lives and value will be added to your own. Being of service and taking the wounds of your life and turning them into lessons and sharing your experience with others will do more good to you and the planet than almost anything else. You may not have been able to control what happened in the past, but you have 100% control over what you CHOOSE to believe now, and as a result, what you are going to make of it moving forward. ~Will "Story" Rivera |
AuthorWill "Story" Rivera May the words shared from my soul forever serve to Inspire yours.
October 2024