Everyday for the next year I will be posting a new Inspirational Rule to consider living by. I hope you enjoy. Rule #130 2/23/16 Let Your Friendships Be Unbinding. As we grow spiritually we come to see through our experiences we don't always get to see or speak with those who we were once close too. I have come to learn that growing apart doesn't have to be painful, I've learned that if my love was true and unbinding, then that meant that my support should always be there for that person, not just when we were close but even during the times that they chose a different road to travel down. Friendship is not about how much you hang out or how often you speak, friendship is us being there for someone else when we can, within our means, with no explanations needed - its an absolute knowing of a bond that's created, that needs no proof that it exists - it's a gift not a contract.
We are always evolving, it's inevitable, chances are as we grow spiritually we will see less and less of the individuals we were once close with, not because anyone is being mean, not because the love and respect is any less - but merely because we no longer share those common interests anymore, we begin to attract the type of energy that best fits the path we are on, see the universe is always sending us what we need to push us forward, to encourage our inner growth, so if someone isn't in your life the way they used to be, don't take it to the heart, it's not because they don't love and care for you, it's because you both are on a different journey now, so wish them well and give them love, be brave moving forward, have faith that new friendships await and new adventures and interests are coming, always remember the love we gave away is never ever wasted. ~Will "Story" Rivera |
AuthorWill "Story" Rivera May the words shared from my soul forever serve to Inspire yours.
October 2024