I am not really sure whether there is or is not a Heaven and Hell or God or destination to reach, and honestly I am not sure I even wish to prove or disprove it, what I am certain of are the experiences I have been through in my life, I have learned the only truth that exists is the kind we have experienced, concrete, raw, open and unhidden, whether it was emotional, physical or spiritual in nature, it does us no good arguing and debating over matters we know nothing about, if it doesn't come from experience than why fight tooth and nail over it, why cant we just have our beliefs and allow others to the same freedom, are we that insecure about our Gods or no God that we feel threatened at the first sign of some one thinking differently, that we feel it necessary to convince another soul of how they should live their own lives, we have gotten so caught up in ego and being right that we fall blind to listen, we have become so defensive that we stopped growing and learning, we fail to turn that finger onto ourselves and focus on what we do and say and how we live, we have become walking contradictions to what we hold so dearly, so I am not sure if there is a Heaven or Hell or anything out there, what I do know is that I have seen darkness and light and I have battled my own wicked perversions and illusions that have led me to make some of the most hardest choices in my life, the kind that I would not dare speak about, the lessons that have humbled me and brought me down to my knees, the peaks of happiness that allowed me to experience my own version of Heaven here on earth, I know where the true demon dwells, it has nothing to do with anyone else, I have learned through experience the only devil to point the finger at and learn to make peace with is the one that exists is within my own heart and my own choices, it was those desperate moments that allowed me to learn about how far fear can really take me, it was through those dark places I visited that I learned to take responsibility for myself, to only focus on my behaviors and choices, to humble me to the point that I no longer judge, to teach me love without attachments or conditions, to recognize that we all are engaging in our own perception of hardship and who am I to ever tell someone how to live their lives, who am I to ever allow my pride to rule me, my spirit was born free and I will not allow my ego to place me in a prison, we were born to lead ourselves, to find our own meaning and just be, who am I to take away that freedom of a soul for the sake of my own illusionary safety, I am not afraid of death and I no longer allow fear to rule my judgments, I have seen far worse things within my own mind and heart to ever truly be scared into living life way someone else deems is "right", the healing begins and ends with us folks, if we cannot face ourselves and embrace the light of our own being - than anything and everything others say and do will always have power over our words, choices and emotions. The time has come to no longer be afraid. ~Will "Story" Rivera
AuthorWill "Story" Rivera May the words shared from my soul forever serve to Inspire yours.
October 2024