The air is thick and the weight is heavy and it seems like the sun will never shine upon you, just breathing becomes a job itself and every problem you could ever imagine is happening at once, every step gets harder and harder and your wondering if your going to make it through, your questioning your God and if there really is anyone out there, you curse at the world and you look for your friends and you look for the courage or strength to even get up in the morning, by now giving up seems like the only viable option, it seems like every door has closed, your holding onto dear life to what little part of yourself is left and wondering if what you do even makes a difference, the journey seems treacherous, it's gotten so bad words cannot even describe the situation... and still, your here reading this, and there is a light that shines in your eyes even if it's just a tiny spark and some where deep inside you there is still love for this world, there is still a faith carry on, you are stronger than you think and you start to remember just how much you've been through and overcome, you remember the times in your life when you couldn't stop smiling and laughing, like the innocence of child you embrace the world fully, wholeheartedly, free from fear, the mindset shifts from helpless to faithful and you remember the God is good always and not just sometimes, you know in your heart you can and will get through this, you ARE triumphant, you ARE beautiful, you ARE a perfect painting reflecting all of creation, your life IS blessed and through every illness and heart ache you stay divine and pure. Never forget who you are and what you are worth. ~Will "Story" Rivera
AuthorWill "Story" Rivera May the words shared from my soul forever serve to Inspire yours.
October 2024