She was like a fallen angel here on earth, it was like heaven was granting me a miracle, I was still so new to dating woman and her beauty was unspeakable, eyes deep like the best selling mystery novel, a heart that could warm the coldest soul, when she smiled life itself seemed to be more vivid and clear, like all the bad things that ever happened to you were washed away in her presence and she had no clue of the beauty she possessed which made it even more humbling to be near her, like a saint she had innocence, and she liked me of all the people in the world, God it felt epic, I never dreamed she would be interested in another woman, up until our kiss we were just kindred spirits made up past history, long talks, laughter and so many stories created together, our visits secret which made every moment precious, meaningful, I prayed daily in hopes it would last scared to say the wrong word for fear my love would scare her, back then communication was so hard for me and fear pretty much made my decisions, we were never officially together yet I knew I loved her, but life has its way of happening, never knowing if we were coming or going, our paths became a blur and somewhere along the way heaven showed me bittersweet cruelty because being gay was unacceptable, still very much taboo and she was too afraid to lose her family tho I would have never asked her to, heaven was filled jokes and she was my first real heart break- and I allowed my feelings to remain for years, I stood back and watched her move on and pretend to be happy with a man always wondering if things would had been different had I mustered up the courage to tell her how I truly felt. ~Will "Story" Rivera
AuthorWill "Story" Rivera May the words shared from my soul forever serve to Inspire yours.
October 2024