You think your ready, you put on your best version of yourself, best outfit, best hair cut, best personality and you go out hunting, bating, desperately seeking a distraction, companionship, you want so much to find love to fill the void in your heart, to heal the aching, the longing, to create some type of worth or desire, to pray someone will love you even tho you have yet to love yourself, so you seek and you seek, failing relationship one after the other, each time you worse, broken and lost, you know in your heart you deserve better, focus on you first, make yourself the priority, treat yourself half as good as you treat others, start from there, love your passion, love your work, get to know what it is you truly want, make a list of all the things your future partner must have in order to even be considered as a possibility, raise your standards - recognize how invaluable you are, make yourself a prize piece, give yourself only to those who are ready to love all of you, as you are, no changes or conditions. Define your own unconditional - fall in love when your ready not just because your lonely. ~Will "Story" Rivera
AuthorWill "Story" Rivera May the words shared from my soul forever serve to Inspire yours.
October 2024