The tide turns - the tide turns and changes sometimes look scary, sometimes the waves are crashing and churning, bringing in new and fresher waters but when your in the middle of one it feels like your choking, like their is no air to breathe and hope to reach the surface, you twist and turn and you get dizzy and you lose sight of the shore, you lose sight of yourself and the fact that you have two arms and two legs and a way to swim through anything that God gives you, regardless of how deep things are, regardless of how far out to sea you've gone, even when the abyss is dark and lonely, you forget just how many times you have gotten through worse things and triumphed, things that at one point looked impossible, but the oceans is never the same twice, each wave can be calm or chaos and still you will swim on, or sail, or float, sometimes you just stand still and you face the sun, regardless the tide turns and turns and it turns - changes are inevitable, it's how you choose to perceive them that will make or break your wave and our lives are never the same twice, that is exactly what makes this moment so important - no matter what your going through, make the most of it, cultivate every ounce of love you have left and you share it with someone, anyone, you reach your arm out and you help them, you dedicate your will to be in service and live beyond the consciousness of just bettering yourself, you gift compassion every chance you get and you never lose your faith or your strength to make it into better waters because where you are here and now is perfect for you, it's perfect to make the most of, it's exactly the right time and the right place to take advantage of this opportunity and with the grace of God you will shine on - one day soon you realize how to flow with currents not against them because you are the captain of your own ship and you always have been. ~Will "Story" Rivera |
AuthorWill "Story" Rivera May the words shared from my soul forever serve to Inspire yours.
October 2024