Lesson: To resolve personal karmic patterns which helps heal the collective Pisces evokes the archetypal wise woman, the inner grandmother who guide us unseen through our trials & tribulations. If we are wise we remember to ask for their assistance & attune to her & the celestial grandmothers for guidance. Our strength during a Pisces transit lies in our ability to surrender & ask for divine intervention. For it is a universal law that we each have free will, so in order to receive help we must first ask or assistance is considered an imposition. So if you’ve been challenged in the lead up to this new moon, remember you don’t need to suffer by trying to solve your challenge alone. Surrender your burden to avail the help of your guides, ancestors & the benevolent universe. Get off the Merry-Go-Round of Past Conditions Pisces is the final sign in the zodiac wheel also known as the Wheel of Fate. Pisces transits ask us to review our lives & identify the patterns so we can make different choices & spiral up to a new set of circumstances rather than life being constant repetition like Groundhog Day. This new moon occurs in the final degrees of the last sign! So you may find you revisit some past lessons (even reconnect with people from your past) as a form of revision to see if you’ve really learned your lesson & are ready to move into a chapter that reflects a greater level of understanding. That means being willing to surrender that which you cannot change or fix according to your ego’s will. Time to Confront Your Greatest Wound!
So if things get really intense in the lead up to this new moon – be careful not to curse your fate, as such an act will destine you to more of the same. Instead, bless the opportunity to experience yourself as patient, kind, understanding, wise or compassionate in the face of cruelty, injustice & hurt. This is the ultimate lesson of Pisces! When someone treats you badly, do not cast yourself as the victim / martyr or you will reap what you sew. Pisces increases our subtle perceptions & our ability to read the signs to navigate the mystery of life. So this is a time to attune to our intuition & follow our subtle impressions more than ever! And if we feel slighted by another, retrace your experience to identify if flags were raised by your intuition as the lesson to be learned. This is why the 3 wise women known as ‘The Fates’ were shown as aspects of our psyche reminding us to consider the past, present & future with all we say & do. If we don’t want to re-live our past, we need to be centered in our wisest self in the present moment so we don’t repeat the past by speaking negative expectations & assumptions that will shape our future…but we also need to review our past to develop our wisdom. So this new moon be very mindful of blessing any crises / opportunities that present, as a reminder that you have choice at every crossroads…everything depends on how you respond. With Chiron, the planetoid within a couple of degrees of the new moon also in Pisces, prepare to confront your greatest wound this new moon if you haven’t already this month as the sun illuminated this as it moved through Pisces. With Uranus also in Pisces, the opportunity to heal the wound may come from a completely unexpected place & grant you the opportunity for sudden resolution. |
AuthorWill "Story" Rivera May the words shared from my soul forever serve to Inspire yours.
October 2024